

    1 超自由的國家,想做什麼都行,所以極限運動也超盛行。

    2 貴3~5倍,收入也3~5倍的地方,所以打工渡假是有機會存到錢的。

    3 超愛運動,有一天我早上六點半在跑步,就一堆人(含老人)在跑步了。另外,在逛花園的時後,也能看到很多人在運動。如果早上7~9點的音樂會,台灣會有人參加嗎? 

   4 社會福利好,稅也高。孩子的教育費、生活費都不用太擔心,有政府。不過,若你是有錢人,你其實是交超高的稅,然後養別人。

   5 產業是礦業、農業、畜牧業。

   6 英文口音在美國和英國中間。

   7 原本對澳洲的印象,雪黎歌劇院、很多動物、墨爾本大學。

   8 收垃圾很聰明。他們的垃報車可以把垃圾筒抬起來,所以,一般民眾不用等垃圾車,只用把垃圾筒放好就好了。

   9 工時短,每年都有一~二個月的長假讓工作的人休息。


   開發右腦: 用英文寫!!! 


  • 1.     Free country

Tattoo, gay marrige, red light district, immigration, casino. All things which are not allowed are welcome. In the past, UK puts criminals in Australia. Thus, the ancestors are brave and out of mind. Anyway, nowasday, Australia is a very free country.


  • 2.     High income and high living cost and working holiday

Minimun wage is 500 NT/hour. Work overtime or word at night is 1.5 or 2 times minimun mage (i.e. 750 NT and 1000 NT). NT is new taiwan dollars. However, the living cost is also high, such as 100~ 200 for MRT (tram, train) or 75 NT for 600ml coke.  That’s why working holiday people can earn 1 million per year if they are willing to work on weekends and night.


  • 3.     Into Sport

Based on my observation, Australian is very very into sport. After work, before work, people gather in the park to do different training and it seems that there is always a trainer or coach to teach them. They don’t have to go to gym and they can exercise in the park.


  • 4.     High tax and good social welfare

Government will pay for each children so raising an children is very easy. In addition, there is no tuition for children before high school. The good social welfare comes from high tax. For example, the parking fee is 150 ~ 400 per hour, depending on the district. The highest tax is in Queensland district. However, it is beneficail for the poor people caz the rich people pay a lot of money to raise them.


  • 5.     What kinds of industry

The most important industry are mining, argiculture, and livestock farming.

So, the air and envinroment are very clean.


  • 6.     Smart way to collect trash

They have a special truck which has two hands or two pulls to collect the trash bins. Thus, people just need to put their trash bins outside and make them easy to be pulled up and be dumped. Then, everything can be done by this trach-collecting truck


  • 7.     English Accent

Based on our tourguide, Australia english is between American accent and British accent. For me, sometimes it is diffuclut to capture the accent.


  • 8.     What’s your impression for Australia


For me, when I think of Australia, the koala, kangaroo, opera house in Sydney, Melboune university come to my mind. After I’ve been there, I think it is a bit similar to UK and even more modern than UK. Every city has its own tower to see the city and my favorite is Q1 buliding (skypoint) in golden coast since it provides the coastline and 1 hr free-wifi. 

  • 9.   many vacation

       There are four two-week vacation for students and they might go aboard to enlarge the viewing angle.

       No workovertime,  1 or 2 months vacation are provided by company. 






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