從 9/21 入手之後,每天花了很多時間玩,分享一下目前得到的心得。





  1. Face ID 真的好用,除了騎機車帶口罩。很多手勢操作很方便。
  2. 拍照不錯,人像模式很有話題。 特別是逆光的時候。
  3. 省時間,若是速度快10%-20%,那每天2個小時使用的話,就省了12分鐘-25分鐘。
  4. 6.5” 的螢幕很大,就是有全面屏的感覺,喜歡看文章的人會覺得很不錯。
  5. 雙卡雙待的第一次
  6. 拿了手機就會被虧,土豪!哈哈! 不用買名車,也可以有名車的光環。
  7. 官方推薦: A12 / 立體錄音,立體聲震撼 / 512GB史上最大 / Face ID 升級,兩張Face


  1. 瀏海的缺點:在使用很多app的時候,其實可以看到的畫面和 Iphone 8 plus 差不多,因為手機是長的 -》 Face ID 最大缺點,就是要那個瀏海
  2. 價格太貴 -》 solution: 買64G + Icloud + 省5%的網路購物法
  3. 極低光源的時候,夜拍還是輸note
  4. 送的配件很沒誠意,沒快充,沒耳機轉接線,沒送無線耳機


# 好用的小技巧

  1. App 快速切換: 回到前一個頁面只用在最底下哪一條往往左劃
  2. 回上一頁,從最左邊開始劃出來
  3. 全景變換方向:點一下全景方向,就可以改成全景由右往左
  4. 快捷的小功能:全家會員卡+happy 快捷



# 名詞解釋時間: 史上最佳手機螢幕螢幕 / Smart HDR


# 和Note 9 並列史上最佳手機螢幕

絕對色彩準確度(0.8 JNCD)已與「完美」用肉眼無法區分

全螢幕 OLED 亮度(最大亮度 660nits 100% APL)

最高的對比度(理論上是 ∞)


環境光下對比度(140)- 我看iphone 7 就是了

視角亮度損失(30 度時為 25%)



The iPhone X has a record high Full Screen Brightness for OLED Smartphones of 634 nits, which improves screen visibility in high Ambient Light. The Samsung Galaxy Note8 can produce up to 1,240 nits, but only for small portions of the screen area (Low Average Picture Levels) – for Full Screen Brightness the Note8 can produce up to 423 nits with Manual Brightness and 560 nits with Automatic Brightness only in High Ambient Light. For small portions of the screen area the iPhone X can produce up to 809 nits (Low Average Picture Levels). On its Home Screen the iPhone X produces an impressively bright 726 nits. See the Screen Brightness section for the measurements and details.


Display Power Efficiency

While LCDs remain more power efficient for images with mostly full screen white content (like all text screens on a white background, for example), OLEDs are more power efficient for typical mixed image content because they are emissive displays so their power varies with the Average Picture Level (average Brightness) of the image content over the entire screen. For OLEDs, Black pixels and sub-pixels don’t use any power so screens with Black or dark backgrounds are very power efficient for OLEDs. For LCDs the display power is fixed and independent of image content. Currently, OLED displays are more power efficient than LCDs for Average Pictures Levels of 65 percent or less, and LCDs are more power efficient for Average Picture Levels above 65 percent. Since both technologies are continuing to improve their power efficiencies, the crossover will continue to change with time.


Screen Reflections

All display screens are mirrors good enough to use for personal grooming – but that is actually a very bad feature…We measured the light reflected from all directions and also direct mirror (specular) reflections, which are much more distracting and cause more eye strain. Many Smartphones still have greater than 10 percent reflections that make the screen much harder to read even in moderate ambient light levels, requiring ever higher brightness settings that waste precious battery power. Hopefully manufacturers will reduce the mirror reflections with anti-reflection coatings and

matte or haze surface finishes.Measured using an Integrating Hemisphere and a Spectroradiometer.The lowest value we have ever measured

for a Smartphone is 4.4 percent.


#  Smart HDR:就是拍了很多很多張








換成 Iphone Xs 需要知道的事情


GQ Iphone 10大賣點




可使用備用電量的快速卡(iPhone X不支援):現在iPhone已經可以設定成門禁卡、車票(北京)或學生證(美國大學),即使你的手機電量低到要關機,不插電源就無法使用的狀況下,預先設定的門禁卡,還是有5小時的使用時間,但只能設定一張。



#281  2018.9. 28  



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